Sunday, April 5, 2009

Scripture Scavenger Hunt

Here is a game that we played on a nice summer night. Divide into two teams. Give each team a copy of the scriptures listed, a copy of the standard works of the Church, and a bag to put their “treasures” in.

Each team looks up the first scripture and reads it carefully to discover what they need to find that will fit into their sack. After they find the first object, they read the second scripture and find that object, and so on. Each scripture will tell them what they need to find, except number ten, which has special instructions. The first team to collect all nine items and complete clue number ten wins.

1. Matthew 7:25 [Matt. 7:25]

2. Psalm 102:11 [Ps. 102:11]

3. Jeremiah 8:8 [Jer. 8:8]

4. Doctrine and Covenants 45:37 [D&C 45:37]

5. Mark 10:38

6. Ezekiel 37:16–17 [Ezek. 37:16–17]

7. Matthew 10:30 [Matt. 10:30]

8. Exodus 3:5 [Ex. 3:5]

9. Moses 1:41

10. Mosiah 2:17–18.

To finish the game do something this scripture is talking about.

After both teams have finished, share what you did for number ten with the other team.

Scripture Scavenger Hunt Key

(1) rock, (2) grass, (3) pen, (4) leaves, (5) cup, (6) stick, (7) hairs, (8) shoes, (9) book, (10) service, love.


overlyactive said...

I am going to use this idea for a combined FHE night. Thanks!!

Crazy Blessed said...

Worked great for Combined Mutual! Thank you so much for posting. Our young teens loved it, because they are SO COMPETITIVE! Both groups did an act of service for the church, and we finished with ice cream floats and sundaes.